Susan 13th October 2021

To Mike I got to know you at the age of 15, when I landed in your family, not expecting to develop strong and loving bonds for the rest of my life. So many memories I cherish: I remember a true Yorkshire man, tongue in cheek, always speaking his mind. Your eternal grey flannel pants and white shirts with rolled up sleeves ( pants, yet to be swapped for shorts the last years of your life, still grey , though :-) ). You busy making piles and piles of sandwiches for us to go on a walk and a picnic on the moors , singing " On Ilkley moor baht' at". Driving us all to Harry Ramsden for a fabulous fish and chips and mushy peas ( where else ?). Going to the pub for a lager and lime ( for Liz and I, that is ) and a chat with other "Yorkshire men" ( who, I was quickly made to understand , were the "true and only ones" :-) ). When back home from the pub late at night, being instructed to sit by your side on the couch for yet another English lesson you would come up with and only then, being allowed to go to bed. You coming out of the door, with loads of 'going-away presents' , when it was time for me to go home. Going to the Sunday service at St John's church, where they will pay a well-deserved tribute to you and where I will be thinking of you with all my heart.. Farewell, my " English Dad " Miche